Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas drama

Can I admit something?  I really don't like getting gifts at Christmas.  I know that may sound crazy, but it is just who I am.  I don't really remember one stand out gift in my entire life that I was ever excited about.  Maybe it is just the drama that it creates.  Don't get me wrong, I like gift shopping for other people, in small amounts.  I don't like hurting other people's feelings when they get a gift I don't want ( there is some of that going on in my family right now), but at the same time I can't be fake about my emotions.   Maybe it is just the commercialization of Christmas I hate.

What do I like about Christmas?  I like the family time it creates when we go to church together.  I really enjoy the family mass at our church with the Christmas pageant Gospel Drama.  I like singing songs together and making cookies together.  I like being on the road with my kids some and coming back home.  I like having a little more time to myself as my husband has time off.  I like sending out Christmas cards, and I like getting them.  

What am I suppose to do?  I don't want to seem ungrateful though it comes across that way.  I try to smile and say "Thank you" but it don't know how it comes across.  I hate the way it  may hurt other people's feelings.  I remember dealing with this as a teenager as well.  I received two awesome gifts this year that I am really grateful for this year: a couple made a donation in our name to our local homeless shelter and another person donated a stuffed animal in our name to another organization.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From our house to yours, we wish you a very merry Christmas. The season from us starts Christmas Eve and continues on to into January, with celebrations such as Christmas; Holy Family; Mary, Mother of God; and Epiphany. It's a lot of time at church, but that is what Christmas is about, right?

What makes your Christmas special?
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Ann!

Today, seven years ago, my awesome daughter made her appearance in this world.  She was a pretty easy baby (except for fact she did not want to nurse for the first week of her life, then did not want to stop after that and had issues with her dad).  I have learned a lot from her.  I am sad that I don't have a lot of pictures of her until she was about 18 months, but here are some pictures of her throughout the years:

First Day of Preschool:


On top of Grandfather Mountain with her Dad:

Her Sixth Birthday:

Ballet Recital this Spring with her brother:

On the train in Charlotte this Thanksgiving:

Friday, December 16, 2011

I am a slacker

So, I keep thinking of these great blogs to write, in fact I have two brewing in my head right now.  But I am too lazy (or busy, busy sounds better) to get out the camera and connect it to the computer, so I can upload the pictures.

So, my question to you dear readers, is how do you do it?  Do you upload your pictures on a schedule or when you have time?

Friday, December 9, 2011

No, they are not in my way............

So, a friend posted a link to a blog article on Facebook and for some reason, I felt I had to read it.  The post ended this way
"My hope for myself today (and each day) is that I will live as though I am raising human beings, not managing inconveniences. "

(You can see the original article here:

This stopped and made me think.  Do I treat my children like this or do I treat them like they are inconveniences?  Today, after getting back with my stepson, I felt like I was treating my daughter as one.  And I felt bad, as she really wanted my attention.  So, I had a craft to finish up and I invited her to help me.  Sure, it took twice as long, but she is my daughter and I want her to feel special.

That is the reason I am so scared about going back to school next year.  For the last 8 1/2 years, my kids have been my life and I LIKE it that way.  If one of them is sick, sure I am upset that I can't go to the gym, but they need me.  If they need a volunteer at school, I am there.  There are so many other opportunities and volunteer positions that come my way, but I want my kids to know that I put them and my husband first and that they are not holding me back.  They are only going to be with my 18 short years and then they are gone.  That is when I can have my time.  (By the way, I will only be 43 when Patrick graduates from High School, so I will have plenty of time)

There are kids at school that I see their parents just managing them.  I know this may soon mean, but I feel sorry for them.  They don't understand why I still read to my kids.  Or at parties at school, those are the parents that are never there.   I see the look of sadness in their faces and I don't know what to do about it.

I truly see my kids as blessings from God and am grateful that He apparently trusts me more then I do.  I have to remember that I am raising my grandchildren's parents and I want my grandchildren to be wonderful people.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Last night, we got to enjoy a performance of "The 3 1/2 Stories of Christmas" by Frank Runyeon. They enjoyed being part of the performance as well. Frank Runyeon has started in many TV shows. They even got to participate in the play.
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