Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas drama

Can I admit something?  I really don't like getting gifts at Christmas.  I know that may sound crazy, but it is just who I am.  I don't really remember one stand out gift in my entire life that I was ever excited about.  Maybe it is just the drama that it creates.  Don't get me wrong, I like gift shopping for other people, in small amounts.  I don't like hurting other people's feelings when they get a gift I don't want ( there is some of that going on in my family right now), but at the same time I can't be fake about my emotions.   Maybe it is just the commercialization of Christmas I hate.

What do I like about Christmas?  I like the family time it creates when we go to church together.  I really enjoy the family mass at our church with the Christmas pageant Gospel Drama.  I like singing songs together and making cookies together.  I like being on the road with my kids some and coming back home.  I like having a little more time to myself as my husband has time off.  I like sending out Christmas cards, and I like getting them.  

What am I suppose to do?  I don't want to seem ungrateful though it comes across that way.  I try to smile and say "Thank you" but it don't know how it comes across.  I hate the way it  may hurt other people's feelings.  I remember dealing with this as a teenager as well.  I received two awesome gifts this year that I am really grateful for this year: a couple made a donation in our name to our local homeless shelter and another person donated a stuffed animal in our name to another organization.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From our house to yours, we wish you a very merry Christmas. The season from us starts Christmas Eve and continues on to into January, with celebrations such as Christmas; Holy Family; Mary, Mother of God; and Epiphany. It's a lot of time at church, but that is what Christmas is about, right?

What makes your Christmas special?
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Ann!

Today, seven years ago, my awesome daughter made her appearance in this world.  She was a pretty easy baby (except for fact she did not want to nurse for the first week of her life, then did not want to stop after that and had issues with her dad).  I have learned a lot from her.  I am sad that I don't have a lot of pictures of her until she was about 18 months, but here are some pictures of her throughout the years:

First Day of Preschool:


On top of Grandfather Mountain with her Dad:

Her Sixth Birthday:

Ballet Recital this Spring with her brother:

On the train in Charlotte this Thanksgiving:

Friday, December 16, 2011

I am a slacker

So, I keep thinking of these great blogs to write, in fact I have two brewing in my head right now.  But I am too lazy (or busy, busy sounds better) to get out the camera and connect it to the computer, so I can upload the pictures.

So, my question to you dear readers, is how do you do it?  Do you upload your pictures on a schedule or when you have time?

Friday, December 9, 2011

No, they are not in my way............

So, a friend posted a link to a blog article on Facebook and for some reason, I felt I had to read it.  The post ended this way
"My hope for myself today (and each day) is that I will live as though I am raising human beings, not managing inconveniences. "

(You can see the original article here:

This stopped and made me think.  Do I treat my children like this or do I treat them like they are inconveniences?  Today, after getting back with my stepson, I felt like I was treating my daughter as one.  And I felt bad, as she really wanted my attention.  So, I had a craft to finish up and I invited her to help me.  Sure, it took twice as long, but she is my daughter and I want her to feel special.

That is the reason I am so scared about going back to school next year.  For the last 8 1/2 years, my kids have been my life and I LIKE it that way.  If one of them is sick, sure I am upset that I can't go to the gym, but they need me.  If they need a volunteer at school, I am there.  There are so many other opportunities and volunteer positions that come my way, but I want my kids to know that I put them and my husband first and that they are not holding me back.  They are only going to be with my 18 short years and then they are gone.  That is when I can have my time.  (By the way, I will only be 43 when Patrick graduates from High School, so I will have plenty of time)

There are kids at school that I see their parents just managing them.  I know this may soon mean, but I feel sorry for them.  They don't understand why I still read to my kids.  Or at parties at school, those are the parents that are never there.   I see the look of sadness in their faces and I don't know what to do about it.

I truly see my kids as blessings from God and am grateful that He apparently trusts me more then I do.  I have to remember that I am raising my grandchildren's parents and I want my grandchildren to be wonderful people.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Last night, we got to enjoy a performance of "The 3 1/2 Stories of Christmas" by Frank Runyeon. They enjoyed being part of the performance as well. Frank Runyeon has started in many TV shows. They even got to participate in the play.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 23*

Today I am thankful for usable water.  Yesterday, we did not water for drinking , cooking with or cleaning from the moment we woke up until about 8pm last night.  We had a lot of rain the day before, so our well flooded.  It was amazing how it effects your life.  We could use the bathroom, but there were no showers.  I had to buy water to make soup last night.  Dished piled up in the sink and the laundry in the hamper.   It caused me a lot of extra work today.  So, the next time you can turn on the faucet and take a drink, just remember this.

Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 22*

Sorry for the missing days, but we were out of town for Thanskgiving.  I am thankful today for my vacuum cleaner.  It makes my whole house feel so much cleaner in just a few minutes.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 21*

Today, I am thankful for my car.  It is not fancy at all, but it gets me around places without me worrying it is going to break down.  A lot of people are not fortunate enough to have a car like that.  It allows me to take my kids places to learn and to have fun and to meet other people.  My life would be so different without my car.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 20*

Today,I am glad for family.  We will be traveling other the next few days to visit my family and Matt's family.  They are there for us even when they don't particularly agree with us.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 18*

Today, I am very thankful that I have three healthy, beautiful kids that were born full term.  There are too many kids out there who are sick or born way too early.  I can't imagine what their parents handle it.  I hate when my kids get a cold.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 17*

I am thankful for the physical strength that I am blessed to have.  I decided at the last minute to run a 5K this morning and my oldest son joined me.  I did not come close to placing at all and my son beat my time by 6 minutes, but I was able to do it and have my best time.  Some day, running will be easy for me, but right now I am grateful that I can do it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 16*

I am thankful for my kids school today.  They care about and celebrate my kids so much.  They are pushed, but not to hard.  The teachers there as a whole listen to what parents say and invite them to help out.  The school secretary even knows my name even though the school is Prek-8.  I am very lucky that my kids go to such an awesome school.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 15*

Today I am thankful that Patrick has given up sucking his thumb!  I am not getting too excited yet as he has given it up as long as a month before.  Now we need prayers that his mouth undoes the damage he does to it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 14*

Today, I am thankful for my favorite online moms community -  I have been a member for four years.  I have met some of my best friends through this community.

Don't live in the High Country of NC?  Check out The Mommies Network for the area you live in.  Membership is free!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 13*

I am very thankful for the gift of dance.  I started dancing at the age of 5.  Ann has been dancing since 3 and Patrick has been dancing since he was 3.  It has given them friend and a way for them to grow.  Matt and I have been dancing together for a little over 2 years now.  It has given us a chance to grow together and a way to spend time together.  We even have done something together I thought we would never do: perform together.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 12*

Well, I missed another day :(  But today, I am thankful for my church family.  They have seen us through so many good and bad times.  They have let Matt and I explore leadership positions.  They have loved our kids beyond belief.  

We got married at St. Elizabeth and all our kids have been baptized there.  One of my children has received his first Communion there and has been allowed to grow into a leadership position there.  My family's story would be nothing without St. Elizabeth.

Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 10*

I am thankful that I am able to volunteer so much in my life.  I volunteer through Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, church, High Country Mommies, and my children's school.  It means a lot to me that others recognize that I have talents that should be shared.  I love that I am teaching my children the importance of sharing their God given talents with the rest of the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 9*

Today I am thankful that I am able to stay at home for my kids before they went to school.  I know some moms that would love to and that were not able to and other moms who made the choice not to.  But, I have learned some much from watching them learn and have seen myself grow so much as a person.  My kids have been able to experience so much through the flexibility we have.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

30 Days of Thanks - *Day 8*

Today, I am thankful that I live in such a beautiful place. For those of you that never have Boone, NC you need to. I can take you to some trails that will truly take your breath away, no matter how many times you have been up there.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 7*

Today I am thankful that I am able to make whatever I want to eat.  So many people do not have this luxury in this world.  It is such a blessing that I can plan a week's work of meals, go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients and then make it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 6*

Err..............I missed a day!  Today I am thankful that I get to go to my kid's school and help out every Monday.  Hopefully, I am making a difference in those kids lives.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 4*

Today I am thankful for my zany, crazy kids.  I never thought growing up that I ever wanted to have kids, but I have learned so much through them.  I could not imagine life without them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 3*

I am very thankful for my husband.  We have been married for 8 1/2 years now.  There are times I wonder what I would do without him.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 2*

Today, being a Girl Scout Meeting day, I am very thankful for my assistant leader, Sarah.  I don't know what I would do with 16 wonderful girls without her!

And amazingly, I can't find any pictures of her because she is always behind the camera!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 1*

I am a day late starting this, but I am going to try to finish it.  Make sure you keep me on task!

I am thankful for all that God has given me.  I know I don't deserve any of it, but I try very hard to show appreciation for everything he has given me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

New Widget

I just added the Coupon Cabin Widget to my side bar.  Tell me if you like and what deals you have found on it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just wanted to let you know..............

I promise I won't use my blog to talk about Discovery Toys much at all.  But, I wanted everyone to know about Discovery Toys One Day Sale which is today.  Spend $50 in toys and you can get either the DRAGON PUPPET -OR- ZIP TRACK CARS for just $1!

You can check out my store at Pond Road Toys!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The power of some little Girl Scouts

My girl scout troop is working on the "Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden" Journey.  To finish up this Journey, they had to do a mini - service project that they selected.  The playground that most of they play on at school had mulch dumped on it weeks ago and no one had spread it out yet.  I thought it would be a service project they would be into and they agreed to do it very enthusiastically.

Well, the day came for us to do the work and it rained all day.  I was on the phone with my assistant leader it seemed like all day trying to decide what to do.  We decided to go for it in the rain as we were afraid that by the next meeting there would be snow on the ground. (Just a side note - snow was predicted for today - exactly one week after the event).  I prayed all day long for it to stop raining so we could get the work done.  15 minutes before we were to begin, the rain stopped and there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

My phone rung off the hook that afternoon with everyone asking if we were going to do it.  We got out there at 6pm and the girls immediately got to work.  Every girl had at least one parent out there helping as well.  We had 45 minutes before a lightening storm came, but those girls worked very hard for those 45 minutes and were very proud of what they had done.  I was so proud of what had done too.  We did not get it all done, but we got 75% of the work done. Some came out a few days later to try to finish up, and we nearly got there.

I heard from my daughter's teacher, that the girls that are in the same class as her were very much bragging to their classmates about the change they helped make at their school.  And they deserved it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My First Blog Award!

I am very excited to announce that I was awarded my first award from fellow blogger Jen at The Nifty Thrifty Lady! She has Awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award! 

By accepting this award I have agreed to:

Thank the blogger who presented it to me and link back to their page.Click on the link above to check her out please - she has an awesome blog!!! Share 7 things about myself. Then pass this award to some newly discovered blogs.

7 Things about me 
  1. I am a stay at home mom to three.
  2. I am a very proud Girl Scout Leader.
  3. I love to volunteer.
  4. has made a huge difference in my life.
  5. I would love to find time to take lots of dance classes.
  6. I care a lot what other people think.
  7. I am new to the blogging thing.
4 Newly Discovered Blogs-Be sure to check them out
2. The Nifty-Thrifty Lady
3.The Wonder Years
4. The Tight Rope Walk

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

There are little things in my life I am thankful for right now:

1.  I can trust my son.  He forgot yesterday that I was suppose to pick him up from school and he got on the bus per usual.  I went to pick him up from the car rider line and he was not there.  I knew he forgot.  I raced home to hopefully meet the bus and on the way, I got the phone call.  He was on the bus and the bus driver wanted to make sure it was okay to drop him. off  He was punished for forgetting, but I am glad that I caught him walking home.

2. The little consequences in life.  I did not wash the floors last night as I was talking to Matt.  I am sure thankful that happened as Ann split milk this morning and Patrick missed the toilet.  I sure would have been upset if I had washed the floors, but it was extra motivation for me to get them done this morning.

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Questions of a four year old

Yesterday, I reminded my four year old that my breasts are my private area and he should not touch them hugging me.  He then asked why I had 2 "private areas" up top.  I did my typically I really don't have an answer of because God made girls that way.  He proceeded to lift up his shirt and say, but I don't have any private areas up top.  Because you are a boy Patrick............

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

When your four year figures out how to get your phone in photo mode.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The ABC's of me!

A - Ann is my daughter.  A complete blessing to see her observe the world around her.

B - Ben.  My stepson.  He has taught me so much and has so much to offer.

C - Catholic.  I am one.  I love my church community at St. Elizabeth's.

D - Discovery Toys.  My little side company.  Check it out at  Let me know if you want to have a party

E - Emily.  She choose me to be her guide.  I can't believe she is going to college next year.

F - Food.  I am seem to always be either preparing it, eating it or cleaning it up.

G - Girl Scouts.  I am blessed to help so many girls through this organization and to have a great set of parents behind me as I led a big troop of Daisies.

H - Housework.  I don't like to do it, but I don't like a dirty house more.

I - I don't know what to say about I.

J-  Juggle.  I am trying to juggle the demands of my life and not drop any of the balls.

K - Kappa Kappa Psi.  My college fraternity.  It has given me so many blessings and friends and has shaped me into who I am.

L - Lily.  My Goddaughter.  Words can't describe how blessed I am to be selected to be her Godmother.

M - Matthew.  He is my husband of 8 1/2 years and we have been through so much together.
       Mark - my son.  He constantly challenges me to be a better person.

N - No nonsense.  I try to be as no nonsense as possible.

O - Outside.  I love to be outside as much as possible.

P - Patrick.  My cuddlebug.  I don't know what I am going to do when he goes to school next year.

Q - Quick.  How my life seems to be.

R -  Read.  I seem to read so much more to the kids then to myself.

S - Student.  It's what I will become (again) next year.  And I am scared.

T- Teacher.  It's what I do.  But I believe everyone has lessons to share with the world.

U - Unable to relax totally.  Matt says I need to work on that.

V - Volunteer.  I volunteer for many organizations and I love helping to make a person smile.

W- Workout.  It's my me time.  I need to take care of this body because no one else will.  I think it also makes me a better momma.

X-  eXtreme.   What my life seems to be at times.

Y - Yarn.  I am so glad that my husband taught me how to knit 2 years ago.  I am proud that I am going to be selling my scarves in a friend's art shop soon.

Z- Zebra.  My husband would probably say that I have the energy of a zebra and he doesn't know how I do it without coffee.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is here

So, I was told that fall arrived today at 5am.  Well, for me, it started yesterday.  I had to rake a section of my yard yesterday.  I don't look forward to fall for one reason only, the raking.  I know that raking is great for you, an easy to burn hundreds of calories while feeling that you are doing something productive.  But it is so frustrating.  It seems like I will spend about half an hour every other day or so and it seems like as soon as I am finished, a big gust of wind comes and knocks off another thousand leaves.  It is sort of like God is making sure that I know who is in control.

Don't get me started on this one either.  I have to switch the kids' closets out.  Hours of work just to reorganize all those clothes.  And it seems like as soon as it is done, the temperatures jump 20* and everything the kids have is too warm.  Why?

Don't get me wrong, I do love fall.  I love the hikes and the throwing leaves at the kids.  But I prefer the puddle jumping days of summer.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How much math do we need?

Every Monday morning, I go in to the kids' school and help out with Math.  Math is my thing and I have been tutoring it since I was in middle school, so when the teacher asked, I accepted the challenge.  These boys are in upper elementary school and I figured it would not be too bad helping them out.  Boy, was I in for a surprise.

The first day I worked with them, we started going over their homework to see where I should work with them. The teacher gave me a list of items that they needed help with, but I needed to give them a feel myself.  I was very surprised.  One could not write a number you gave to him and the other was having problems with two digit addition and lining the numbers up right.  Then the next time, the one having problems with addition could multiply.  We play "Shoots and Ladders" to finish up time together and I can change the rules some to add some more math to it.

But, leaving on Monday, I wondered how much math do we really need to teach the average child.  I know several of the teens at my church at St. E's are taking Calculus this year.  What is the purpose?  Sure, it looks good on a high school transcript, but will they use it when they have a career.  How much math does the average person use in a day?  Some adding and subtracting is used when working with a check book.  Other then that, what else?

That is a big problem with math education is that "the big picture" is not taught.  What do you think the purpose of math education is?

Saturday, September 17, 2011


So, I have thought about doing this for a while and I am jumping in.  I would love to hear your comments and suggestions!  I am learning while I am doing this.