Tuesday, November 8, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 7*

Today I am thankful that I am able to make whatever I want to eat.  So many people do not have this luxury in this world.  It is such a blessing that I can plan a week's work of meals, go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients and then make it.


  1. We have so much to be thankful for, I love these 30 days of Thankful as it helps us remember

  2. I never thought of this as a something to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder that we have SO MUCH to be thankful for.


  3. It's true, being able to eat what I want is something I just take for granted. Thank you so much for reminding me how many blessings I have, and to remember those that are going through a tough time right now.

  4. I was just talking to my husband about this the other day. We are so fortunate to be able to afford groceries and pay for our food without too much worry. It breaks my heart to hear of children and families going hungry at night. Thank you for sharing this, I am coming to you from VB. take care!


  5. I'm also very thankful for that - thankful that I can afford to feed my family fresh, healthy meals every day of the week. I'm sure there are some who take this "small" thing for granted, and there are many others who wish they could.
    Thanks for sharing your list of things to be thankful for,
