Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ann won a scholarship!

On June 16th, we went to Carowinds for a day of celebration that Ann had sold at least 500 boxes of cookies.  This year, they decided to add scholarships to the cookie recognitions.  Each girl that sold at least 500 boxes of cookies was awarded one chance to earn a scholarship and they earned an entry for every 100 boxes after that they sold.

Matt, my dad, Ann and myself walked into the auditorium for the award ceremony.  Ann was hoping she would be top 10 in the council.  The CEO of the Girl Scouts award each girl their awards.  Then she explained the scholarships.  Sure enough, there were five bags on the table with little pieces of paper.  They called out the Daisies first.  The first girl was not there.  Then the CEO pulled the next piece of paper and said "this girl sold 1226 boxes of cookies" and Matt and I looked at each other very excitedly.  We knew it was here.  Ann then walked up on stage very shell shocked to what had happened.  She had just won a $500 scholarship!

You could see her face drop when the top 10 girls were announced and she was not one of them.  We figured she was top 15.

Afterwards, she gave me a very big hug and I told her that I was very proud of her.  She had worked so hard this year and learned so much.

Can you image how much interest that will accrue in 11 years?


  1. Congratulations! That is so cool! I miss Carowinds. We don't have them where I live now. We have Six Flags. I remember being a Girl Scout, too.I hope she continues to learn good values from this and your great parenting, of course. :p

  2. Wow, congrats! That's definitely reason to celebrate. I can imagine how proud you are of her :)

  3. Wonderful! Aside from the joy of the scholarship and the education it will afford her, the experience of working hard and reaching her goals will stay with her forever.

  4. WOW!! A big congrats to Ann!!! Being a former Girl Scout myself I know what it takes to sell cookies... a job fabulously done by Ann!!! Way to go!
