Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mark

Nine years ago at 7:17am, my first born decided to make his appearance in the world.  It was a fairly long labor, lasting about 24 hours, but Mark made it safely, with some hiccups along the way.  I am glad he is here.  There are times when we fight like cats and dogs, but I know he loves me as he has to get a hug and kiss every night before he goes to bed.  So, here's to you Mark!

Mark's baptism.  He was one week old exactly.

 Mark at three.

 Mark's first day of First Grade

 Mark's first 5K.  He beat me by 6 minutes.

  1. Mark 6 weeks ago.


  1. SUCH a handsome young man and a pretty baby too! You are very lucky! Happy Birthday Mark!

  2. wow! what an amazing accomplishment for him to run a 5k! you can tell him someone on your blog is very, very, very impressed! HB mark! and Happy giving birth day Mama!

  3. Happy birthday to your wonderful son! What a beautiful tribute! I love the picture of the baptism, where he's looking at the pastor. So sweet!

  4. Happy Birthday! how exciting to looks back on the years!!

  5. Happy birthday, Mark! Mom, you're halfway there! :) Enjoy the years -- they pass so quickly.

  6. He's a cutie pie. Have a Happy Birthday Celebration!

  7. Happy Birthday to your big guy! What a cutie!!
