Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving - *Day 23*

Today I am thankful for usable water.  Yesterday, we did not water for drinking , cooking with or cleaning from the moment we woke up until about 8pm last night.  We had a lot of rain the day before, so our well flooded.  It was amazing how it effects your life.  We could use the bathroom, but there were no showers.  I had to buy water to make soup last night.  Dished piled up in the sink and the laundry in the hamper.   It caused me a lot of extra work today.  So, the next time you can turn on the faucet and take a drink, just remember this.


  1. Ah yes....the blessing of good old fashioned water. I'm all too familiar. We've had more than one occasion this year where we were without running water due to city water issues they are trying to fix. And last week our shower had only a few dribbles of water coming out of it. Talk about tough to wash your hair! Thankfully we have that fixed now too. Yes, it's great to have running water. And as I'm typing this I'm thinking about the 10 gallons of bottled water we have stored in our kitchen for the next time we need it to live. :-)


  2. It is the truth Amber! I remember having this happen once. It made me realize how important water storage is for emergencies like this--not to mention any long-term catastrophe.

  3. That is so hard to deal with! We really do take water for granted, huh. We think about it a bit more in the Desert where I live, but having it pumped into your house is a true blessing.
