Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is here

So, I was told that fall arrived today at 5am.  Well, for me, it started yesterday.  I had to rake a section of my yard yesterday.  I don't look forward to fall for one reason only, the raking.  I know that raking is great for you, an easy to burn hundreds of calories while feeling that you are doing something productive.  But it is so frustrating.  It seems like I will spend about half an hour every other day or so and it seems like as soon as I am finished, a big gust of wind comes and knocks off another thousand leaves.  It is sort of like God is making sure that I know who is in control.

Don't get me started on this one either.  I have to switch the kids' closets out.  Hours of work just to reorganize all those clothes.  And it seems like as soon as it is done, the temperatures jump 20* and everything the kids have is too warm.  Why?

Don't get me wrong, I do love fall.  I love the hikes and the throwing leaves at the kids.  But I prefer the puddle jumping days of summer.


  1. Living in the tropical climate here in South East Asia (Malaysia), so no fall for us here.. >,<

  2. Me, too. I switched my clothes out Monday. Horrible, horrible job. I wish I was rich enough to just go out and buy new clothes every year. Much easier. ;0)

    And wasn't it nice and warm today, and us all wearing long pants?

  3. I know what you mean about the clothes I am STILL working through that one. LOL. Still I can't help but to love fall, of course I live in an apartment complex so for me the raking is no longer an issue so having went through that before I feel your pain there. I'm following from VB Moms, love this blog and the design! Hope you have a great day!
